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Culture Paper Making Line

30TPD Cultural A4 Paper Making Machine


As a company with more than 40 years of experience in the paper making industry, Leizhan has been committed to providing customers with high-quality paper making equipment. Many paper mills have begun to add cultural paper production lines to supply the growing market demand for cultural paper. Our 30tpd cultural A4 paper machine can meet the needs of most paper mills.

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High Grade Cultural Paper Pulping Line


As a leader in the waste paper processing industry, Leizhan is committed to developing and producing high-quality waste paper processing equipment. Our high grade cultural paper production line recycles waste paper into pulp to produce high grade cultural paper.

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A4 Paper Production 30 Tons Pulping Line


Leizhan has a professional technical team and introduces internationally leading processing and testing equipment. Our 30-ton A4 paper pulping production line uses advanced processes and technologies to maintain high pulp quality during the pulping process.

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100T/D Deinking Pulp Making Line


One of Leizhan’s customers purchased our 100T/D deinking pulp making line. We provided him with a complete line of pulping equipment and designed and installed drawings for them according to their requirements. Our flotation deinking, disperser and high consistency bleaching processes ensure the quality of the pulp, allowing them to produce high quality recycled writing and newsprint.

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High Grade Culture Paper Machine For Paper Mill


Cultural paper is also called writing paper and copy paper. It is widely used in daily life. Our company can provide a complete production line of cultural paper.

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350T/24H Artboard Pulp Project


We can provide all the equipment needed for pulp preparation and papermaking line of art board in paper mill.

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Paper Mill Calender Improves Paper Gloss


The calender in the paper mill improves the glossiness of the paper surface, and the glazing layer of the paper after calendering gradually cools down to form a bright surface layer. Welcome to consult us on how to choose a paper mill calender.

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Paper Mill Pulp Flotation Deinking Equipment


Waste paper recycling includes old magazines, old newspapers, old books, etc. with ink and stickies. In this case, a flotation deinking machine is required to achieve the effect of improving the pulp quality.

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