Air Cushion Headbox In Paper Machine
The air cushion headbox consists of stock distributor, evening device, slice device, headbox chamber and headbox support, air supply system, etc.
Air Cushion Headbox Structure
Stock Distributor: The distributor adopts tapered header stock inlet. Tapered header consists of inlet flange (companion flange), tapered header, outlet flange (companion flange), etc.
Evening Device: Evening device consists of two rectifier rolls (slice rectifier roll and throat rectifier roll), double helix lined hole.
Slice Device: Slice device consists of top slice, bottom lip, micro adjustor and slice openness indicator.
Flow Chamber and Support: Material of the front and back wall of the flow chamber and the top cover is welded stainless steel plate. Material of the two sidewalls and bottom of the flow chamber is high quality stainless steel.
Air Supply System: In order to provide clean and stable compressed air to the headbox separately, the air supply system is consisted of a low impulse three-lobe helical roots blower, necessary filter and vibration-proof platform. The air supply pressure is stable and with low noise.