180TPD Testliner Paper Making Machine

Testliner paper is a vital component of corrugated board, widely used in packaging applications. Made primarily from recycled fibers, it delivers strength and durability while maintaining lightweight properties. Leizhan’s testliner paper making machines are designed with cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality output and maximize operational efficiency. Equipped with the latest advancements in paper manufacturing technology, Leizhan’s testliner paper machines ensure precise control over the production process, resulting in consistent quality and minimized energy consumption.
Technical Data of 180TPD Testliner Paper Making Machine
Raw material: Waste recycled paper, wood pulp, etc
Paper type: Kraft paper, testliner paper
Capacity: 180t/d
Basis weight: 110-180g/㎡
Net paper width: 3600-4500mm
Operating speed: 300-500 m/min
Leizhan is a trusted leader in the production of testliner paper making machines, offering innovative and efficient solutions that drive the success of paper manufacturers. For more information on our products and services, contact us today and discover how our innovations can transform your paper production processes. Email address:paperproductmachine@gmail.com