Waste Paper Deinking System
According to raw material and finished paper products quality demands, Leizhan engineers design customized pulp and paper making flow system for our customers.
Owing to the continuous improvement of waste paper pulp making process and technology, waste paper can be used for producing more paper products types. Waste paper processing line and deinking system offer economical and environmental benefits.
Waste paper deinking process
Pulping: Remove ink to improve pulp cleanness. Mixed used office paper have large amount of stickies, use Drum pulper is more effective than High consistency hydrapulper. Leizhan Drum pulper use gentle dropping and rolling forces to slush the pulp and defiberize it. Remove stickies and trash virtually intact.
Screening: The screening process removes most flat contaminates and stickies. Leizhan pressure screen adopts best quality screen basket to process fiber.
Flotation: Dirt specks and ink particles are discharged from the Flotation unit.
Dispersion: Use dispersion machine for detaching and removing very small ink particles to improve the optical properties of the final pulp.